Daily cleaning can be performed much more quickly if wet surfaces are wiped with the dry Bathroom ENJOfil immediately after the bathroom has been used. To achieve an instant shine, wipe dry with the Bathroom ENJOfil. If cleaning with our white fibre is not sufficient (e.g. an initial deep clean), tackle the surface with the Bathroom Glove together with a few drops of Calcium Dissolver. Rinse with water. Clean hair product from bathroom furniture and washbasins, remove make-up (liquid or powder), eye shadow and lipstick from sinks and taps.
Very hard water can act like sandpaper on the surface to be cleaned and leave scratches on delicate materials (e.g. Plexiglas). In such cases, first treat the surface with Calcium Dissolver.
Do you want to know how to use the product?
In our Video we show you how to use Bathroom Glove.