10 reasons why Enjo is the greenest way to clean


How GREEN is your cleaning routine?

In our world, where resources show themselves to be more and more limited, the little things we do in our homes matter. Whether you’re actively working towards reducing your food waste, saying no to single-use plastics, lowering your household’s footprint or helping conserve water and energy use — the decisions we make daily impact the world around us. Choosing products, services and solutions that consider their impact on the environment is important.

As a reusable fibre cleaning company we’re frequently asked – is ENJO really a green way to clean?

Is ENJO really a green way to clean?

It’s almost impossible to create a product that does NOT create an impact on the Earth, but ENJO continually works on it. We take great care in the details – from how our products are made to where they end up when they’ve been used.

Here is how. 

1. Carbon neutral production

Climate change is a serious problem, caused primarily by the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by industry, and changes to the Earth’s ecosystem through activities like deforestation.

In 2015 ENJO International signed the Carbon Neutral Alliance, committing to continued activities and monitoring to ensure that ENJO’s carbon footprint remains neutral. Many practices within the company reduce emissions overall, and the minor footprint created by the company is offset by their reforestation projects in Nicaragua and other countries.

2. Locally-sourced materials

ENJO’s unique fibre was innovated in Vorarlberg, Austria, a region often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of textiles”.  The textile industry in this region is deeply rooted in hundreds of years of traditional quality, while also keeping sights focused on a benefit to the Earth and the future.  

With over 200 companies in the area belonging to the textile industry, materials used to make ENJO products are locally sourced from the region, reducing transport and lowering our impact on the environment.

3. Carefully considered transport

ENJO products are made at our carbon-neutral facility in Austria, but ENJO is available in more than 25 different countries around the globe. ENJO chooses environmentally-responsible transport options such as by boat and train for as much as 70% of their shipping needs.  

4. A sustainable clean in the home

ENJO cleaning products are extremely durable, carefully handmade and undergo individual quality checks. This level of quality means our clients can use the same cleaning products for 3 years, eliminating household waste from tasks that they perform every day.

5. Reduced consumption-energy expenditure 

By employing reusable cleaning products, our clients reduce the need to continue purchasing cleaning products and replenishing their supplies for up to 3 years at a time. 

This eliminates not only household waste, but also the energy and emissions associated with the production, purchasing, shipping and packaging of new products.

6. Protecting local waterways


Cleaning with ENJO means cleaning with fibre technology and water only. This means that, while cleaning is now safer for your home and family, it’s also kinder to the environment.

Canada’s lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands hold 20 per cent of the world’s freshwater.  Only 7% of that is renewable.  That leaves us with a responsibility to ensure that it is protected. 

No chemicals going down the drain means less toxic elements in wastewater, groundwater, and our precious lakes and streams.  This protects our freshwater sources, while also protecting our plant life and wildlife, ecosystems and food chains.   

7. Oeko-Tex certification

ENJO Fibres are made from quality raw materials that have the Oeko-Tex stamp of approval. 

Oeko-Tex is a worldwide independent testing and certification system for raw textiles, they put the raw textiles through their paces to ensure they are free from harmful and toxic substances.

Extensive product checks and regular company on-site visits also ensure that the industry has a globally sustainable awareness of the responsible use of chemicals.

8. ISO certification

ENJO has ISO 14001 certification. This is an environmental management system certification that maps out a framework for organizations to follow. The framework helps identify, prevent and reduce a company’s environmental impact. Promoting sustainable business operations and improved waste and energy management for future generations.

9. Conserve water and energy

Water is a precious resource and reducing our water waste at home is an important part of being green. Around 80% of the water we use at home is wasted, and by switching to ENJO you’ll be reducing household water waste. ENJO’s Wet, Wipe + Dry process reduces the amount of water needed to clean, while also eliminating the need to rinse. Simply fill your Spray Bottle and spray the surface, or your Glove, to clean as you go. No buckets, and no rinsing chemical residue. And naturally by using cold water (compared to hot), much energy use is eliminated as well.

10. No landfill waste

Every year, Canadians throw away 3 million tonnes of plastic waste, only 9% of which is recycled, meaning the vast majority of plastics end up in landfills and about 29,000 tonnes finds its way into our natural environment. (www.canada.ca)

ENJO strives for a zero waste process with their cleaning products, eliminating disposable sponges, cloths and wipes, as well as excessive plastic bottles and packaging. ENJO Fibres do not go to landfill after their 3 years’ use, but instead are returned to be shredded and recycled into a new life as agricultural sheeting, playground equipment, insulation and car seat stuffing. 

This is the same fate of scraps and cut-offs at ENJO International in Austria: all scraps are shredded and recycled.  

Thinking of making the switch to a greener cleaning routine?
Host a 30-minute Virtual Demo to learn how ENJO will work in your home!  

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